larougetdelisle 2017-06-21T16:17:02-07:00 larougetdelisle 2017-06-21T16:17:02-07:00 2017-06-21T16:17:02-07:00 Designer Jean Pockets Machine Embroidery Designs Machine Embroidery Design Artistic Amy

Vendor: Artistic Amy
Type: Machine Embroidery Design
Price: 8.99

Create your own beautifully embroidered jean pockets for 18” dolls using this PDF guide, which includes 8 pages of detailed instructions, photos and illustrations, and the included embroidery files. There are five fun designer jean pocket designs included in this set.  Use of these designs requires an embroidery machine with file transferring capabilities and the Liberty Jane’s Jeans pattern.

Design Hoops and Sizes:
4x4 HOOP
3.83 inch x 3.88 inch to 3.92 inch x 3.91 inch

Machine Formats:

Additional Supplies Needed:
Liberty Jane’s Jeans pattern

What You Get: Five embroidery machine digitized designs in 10 file formats. You will receive an instant download zipped file that contains a folder with each of the file formats listed above. Each file format is conveniently saved in its own separate folder for easy use. You need to be able to unzip the zipped file to use it. You must have an embroidery machine and know how to transfer the file to your machine in order to use this.

*This is NOT an iron on or patch. 

*Creating a customer account will ensure that you have the ability to access your purchased (and free) files at any time.

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